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Hydrodamalis gigasSteller's or sea cow - an extinct mammal from sirens order. Reached 7 feet long and weighed 4 tons. Small head smoothly passes into a huge trunk, which ended with a forked tail, resembling a whale's tail. As cetaceans Steller's cow has no hind pair of legs. Was opened in 1741 by G. Steller. As a result of predatory fisheries to the 1768 Steller's cow had been completely destroyed. Since its official opening and to the complete disappearance has passed just 27 years. Lived in the waters of the Commander Islands and is probably off the coast of Kamchatka and Northern Kuriles.
This animal has no teeth because its main food was the largest marine algae and other aquatic plants. Because of the herbivorous diet of these extinct animals it’s called sea cows. Fossil remains of sea cows are close or even identical to Steller was found in Pacific coastal areas from California to Japan.
The population of sea cows, described by Steller, was a pathetic remnant of the once-prosperous genus, destroyed by the Pacific natives.
The original image size (300 dpi:)  A-4+ (A-3) - 200$    A-5 - 130$    A-6 -  100$

My Prints
Bestiary | Просмотров: 1007 | Author: roman uchytel | Добавил: rom-diz | Дата: 11.01.2012 | Комментарии (0)

Embolotherium ergilense - representatives of the brontoterieds family the perissodactyle’s order. These are large terrestrial mammals, larger than the rhino. Like all rhinos, a feature of the limbs of these animals was the reliance on the tips of the fingers, so they were digitigrade. The group was well represented in savannah landscapes of Central Asia and North America, mainly in the Oligocene. Members of the emboloteries genus, well known from Lower and Middle Oligocene’s locations in Mongolia and China. Embolotherium ergilense possibly synonymous Andrews. Found skull belonged to an old male, so that probably differ between Ergil Embolotherium and Embolotherium andrewsi - age and sex. Nasal ram, however that may be, was very wide and massive and quite lifted up. This sample differs also the location of the orbits, shorter and more concave frontal bone, a wider neck and other features. The size of the skull - 125 cm condylobasal’s length implies ergilensises growth from a large African elephant above 4 m at the shoulder and weighs about 7 tons.
The original image size (300 dpi:)  A-4+ (A-3) - 250$    A-5 - 150$    A-6 -  100$

My Prints
Bestiary | Просмотров: 1413 | Author: roman uchytel | Добавил: rom-diz | Дата: 11.01.2012 | Комментарии (0)

gombaszoegensisThe original image size (300 dpi:)  A-4+ (A-3) - 300$    A-5 - 150$    A-6 -  100$

My Prints
Bestiary | Просмотров: 3331 | Author: roman uchytel | Добавил: rom-diz | Дата: 11.01.2012 | Комментарии (0)

Equus stenonisThe original image size (300 dpi:)  A-4+ (A-3) - 250$    A-5 - 150$    A-6 -  100$

My Prints
Bestiary | Просмотров: 1167 | Author: roman uchytel | Добавил: rom-diz | Дата: 11.01.2012 | Комментарии (1)

angustidensArctotherium is an extinct genus of South American short-faced bears within Ursidae of the late Pliocene through the end of the Pleistocene. Their ancestors migrated from North America to South America during the Great American Interchange, following the formation of the Isthmus of Panama. They were endemic to South America, living from ~2.0–0.01 Ma, existing for approximately 1.99 million years. Their closest relatives were the North American short-faced bears of genus Arctodus. The closest living relative would be the spectacled bear. A skeleton of Arctotherium angustidens from Buenos Aires indicates big males of this species would have weighed 1.6 tonnes, standing 11 feet (3.4 meters) tall, making it the largest bear known. In contrast to their North American cousins, South American short-faced bears showed a trend of declining size and carnivory over time. This has been attributed to increased competition form other later-arriving or evolving carnivorans following the early dispersal of short-faced bears to South America. (The North American carnivorans that invaded South America, including short-faced bears and Smilodon , quickly dominated the predatory niches  formerly occupied by South America's native metatherian sparassodont and avian phorusrhacid carnivores.)

The original image size (300 dpi:)  A-4+ (A-3) - 300$    A-5 - 150$    A-6 -  100$

My Prints
Bestiary | Просмотров: 1176 | Author: roman uchytel | Добавил: rom-diz | Дата: 11.01.2012 | Комментарии (0)

нимравид размерной 
категории между дымчатым леопардом (Neofelis nebulosa) и снежным барсом 
(Uncia uncia) с развитыми морфологическими саблезубыми особенностями и 
большим фланцем на нижней челюсти.The original image size (300 dpi:)  A-4+ (A-3) - 250$    A-5 - 150$    A-6 -  100$

My Prints
Bestiary | Просмотров: 1840 | Author: roman uchytel | Добавил: rom-diz | Дата: 11.01.2012 | Комментарии (0)

Палеонтологи так же 
сообщили об обнаружении останков большой саблезубой кошка из 
Торос-Менелла известной как Machairodus kabir весевшей 350-490 кг.The original image size (300 dpi:)  A-4+ (A-3) - 250$    A-5 - 150$    A-6 -  100$

My Prints
Bestiary | Просмотров: 1228 | Author: roman uchytel | Добавил: rom-diz | Дата: 11.01.2012 | Комментарии (0)

giganteusThe original image size (300 dpi:)  A-4+ (A-3) - 250$    A-5 - 150$    A-6 -  100$

My Prints
Bestiary | Просмотров: 1282 | Author: roman uchytel | Добавил: rom-diz | Дата: 11.01.2012 | Комментарии (0)

greatest prehistoric
Maximum image size on the site is 750х600 pixels (26х21 cm) - 72 dpi, original size is 1575x1260 pixels (50x40 cm) - 200 dpi.

The original image size - $350
Bestiary | Просмотров: 1692 | Author: roman uchytel | Добавил: rom-diz | Дата: 11.01.2012 | Комментарии (0)

TitanoidesThe original image size (300 dpi:)  A-4+ (A-3) - 350$    A-5 - 200$    A-6 -  150$

My Prints
Bestiary | Просмотров: 1440 | Author: roman uchytel | Добавил: rom-diz | Дата: 11.01.2012 | Комментарии (1)


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